Jumat, 31 Desember 2010

aku ingin terbang jauh, dan tinggalkan semua harapan yang kau berikan..

Good bye 2010...

makasi buat semua yg telah sangat berarti di 2010 ini.
kalian semua orang hebat yang banyak ngajarin aini tentang arti kehidupan.
siapapun itu, apakah membuat luka atau justru menjejaskan bahagia, kalian semua adalah orang orang terbaik dalam 2010 aini..

Senin, 27 Desember 2010

Find out your happiness!

bahagia itu ga bisa terus terusan ditunggu, bahagia itu mesti kita ciptain.

inget, yang ngantri kebahagiaan itu ga sebiji dua biji umat kawan! semuanya juga lagi nunggu kebahagiaan mereka masing masing. terus kalo kita cuma duduk diem, sambil komat kamit berdoa ngarep ngarep bahagia itu jatoh beruntuhan dari langit, percayalah itu cuma jadi puing sia sia ajaa..

jadi bahagia itu ga sulit, terkadang kita yang suka mempersulitnya sendiri. semua dinamika dan permainan yang ada dalam hidup kelewat dipikirin dan dijadiin beban, padahal dengan kayak gitu justru kerasa lebih berat buat ngadepinnyaa. bukan sok wise dan knowing a lot sebenernyaa, cuma kadang kita (termasuk aku.red) suka lupa, dan bahkan menyangkal bahwa terkadang sebuah kesulitan itu punya keindahan tersendiri. saat kita mampu ngelewatinnya, maniiiiss banget rasanya.

honestly, aku juga suka ngerembetin masalah yang kecil jadi dibawa sedih selama berhari hari. aku kadang suka ngerutukin dunia ini ga adil lah, dunia pilih kasih lah.. sampe akhirnya aku sadar, aku ga bisa bertahan dengan opini seperti itu, Allah selalu ngasi apa yang kita butuhkan, sekali lagi apa yang kita butuhkan BUKAN dengan apa yang kita inginkan. kalo seandainya nanti kita sempet gagal, peduli amaaat.. toh kita bisa bangkit lagi kan? bangkit dengan semangat yang jauh lebih kuat lagi :D

asalkan kita mau, bahagia juga akan bermurah hati melingkupi hati kita.
so, let's find our happiness.
You are still the one I love :)

Minggu, 26 Desember 2010

ngukur jas labor :)

Well, minggu ini lagi lagi 'happy sunday' yang seharusnya bisa bersantai-santai terenggut sama kegiatan kampus. Setelah kemaren diisi sama ujian akhir praktikum, naaah kali ini diisi sama PENGUKURAN JAS LABOR. Sekilas, kedengarannya biasa aja, dateng kekampus - ngukur jas lab - pulang - selesai! the end! titik!
tapi sayangnya ga semudah dan sesederhana itu kawan. hufff...

Ritual pengukuran jas lab turun temurun anak kimia unand itu katanya penuh penyiksaan, kalo dari cerita senior senior nih, kita bakal disuruh ngesot, lari dari lapangan MIPA ke sekre, dijemur, disiram daaan sebagainya, semuanya kegiatan yang najis tralala >.<

Awalnya aku males (takut.red), apalagi pas disebutin apa apa aja yang mesti dibawa buat hari H, masker praktikum, baju ganti, nah loh mau diapaiiiin kami ini?
Dan hari ini, 26 Desember 2010 pagi pagi banget aku udah bangun. jam 9 udah cekidot kekampus sama icha. sampe disana jam 11an gitu kami dikumpulin dilapangan MIPA *jleb* bener sama cerita horor seniooor. AAAAAA..
Dilapangan MIPA abis absen, kita senam bareng, trus jalan rame rame ke posko 0, disana kita dibagi atas kelompok, aku kebagian dikelompok 6. Disana juga kami diminta buat bikin yel-yel geje gitu. Dari sana kita dikumpulin lagi buat makan siang.. Nah, ni makan bukan sembarang makan, ada beberapa step aneh bin ajaib -__- hitungan pertama, suap sendiri, hitungan kedua nasi kita digeser kekiri, hitungan ketiga suapin temen kiri, hitungan keempat suapin temen kanan dan gitu seterusnyaa.
sambil makan aku terus mikir,ga mungkin anteng anteng gini ajaaa, penasaran juga bakal diapain abis ini.

Setelah ini lanjut ke posko 1, disini kita nampilin yel-yel.
tereak sekenceng kencengnya, (sampe sekarang masih sakit tenggorokaaan aaaa >,<), dilajutin sama game komunikata dan puzzle. puzzle nya itu rumus garis dari asam siklo heksana asetat. dan kelompok kami jadi tim paling cepet nyusun puzzlenyaa. yihaaa..
abis tu kita diminta buat jalan dengan gaya yang aneh banget, jalan serong kanan-kiri sambil bilang "sadakah daa.. sadakah niii..." wkwkwk.
Lanjut ke posko 2, disini kita disuruh nyanyiin yel-yel, terus ada game estafet bola pimpong yang ditiup pake sedotan, hahahahh. Seterusnya ke posko 3, disini tempat ngumpulnya uda dan uni yang sebenernya deket sama aku. Nah ngukur jas lab nya diposko inii, dan taukah anda apa yang terjadi setelah itu?
keluar dari ruangannya, diluar da kiki, da rendy, da ragil, da dedy, da irvan udah megang spidol sama cap" gitu. masih jelas banget bayangan muka muka ceria nan bahagia mereka pas NYORAT NYORET muka aku dengan semua property ditangan mereka itu, tanpa rasa bersalah.. huu..

Dan itu jadi akhir pengukuran jas lab kami.
Ternyata jauh banget dari kesan menyeramkan yang dibayangkan.
Semuanya menyenangkan, seruuu, dan bener bener ngerasain kebersamaannya.
Capek sih, tapi lagi lagi semua demi kekompakan kami.
Aku cinta Kimia '10 :D


Sabtu, 25 Desember 2010

..yang terlambat

dan terus saja katai bahwa ini cinta yang telah usai, bagaimana bisa? sedang memulainya kau tidak mampu, tidak akan pernah..

lalu aku harus apa dan bagaimana?
semua sudah ada disini, tepat direlung hatiku..
ada satu cinta, satu rindu yang terkunci erat, tertutup rapat hanya untuknya..

aku mengejar cepat cinta itu, meski nyatanya aku tetap terlambat.
dia mendahului langkahku, jauh pergi meninggalkan aku.
haruskah kusalahkan saja waktu yang sepertinya enggan berdamai denganku.
atau kusalahkan saja keadaan yang kelihatan mempermainkan hatiku.
ah entahlah!

logika yang sulit bersatu dengan perasaan.
lagi lagi sistem kerja otak yang sejatinya kurang akur dengan sistem kerja hati.
ketika sepotong hati merasakan getar-getar rindu itu, otak seakan tak mau tau.
ketika otakku tau bahwa ini sebenernya sia-sia, hati yang tidak terima dengan kenyataan itu.

untuk sesaat.
biarkanlah kurasakan dulu indahnya mencintaimu.
biarkan denyut-denyut rindu ini menjalar dalam tiap ruang hatiku.
aku yakin siapapun dapat mengerti bahwa mencinta memang butuh pengorbanan, dan kali ini sejenak kubiarkan saja sakit menempuh takdirnya dengan menerima hati yang sebagiannya bukanlah milikku.


..mengapa kau mempertahankan cinta pedih menyakitkan, kau masih saja membutuhkan dia - membutuhkan dia.. kau harusnya memilih aku yang lebih mampu menyayangimu, berada disampingmu~

is it blind?

entah aku yang buta atau memang sudah mati rasa.
bertahan diposisi ini bener bener bikin aku dilema, aku muak, aku lelah bergulat dengan semua emosi, aku sebenernya ga cukup tangguh buat ngejalanin ini.
tapi aku juga ga bisa lari meskipun aku sangat ingin..
karena sepertinya sakitnya akan lebih menjadi ketika aku melakukan itu.

sekarang, aku ngerasa jadi sejenis pengganggu, gulma atau apapunlah itu namanya.
aku yang ga seharusnya ada diantara mereka, tapi ternyata aku ga sedikitpun memberi jarak yang terlalu jauh dari mereka berdua.
aku akui, aku terlalu pengecut buat ini.
arrghh -.-

selalu dan selalu saja aku berusaha buat menutup semua cemburu ini, sakit ini.
berpura kalo aku baik baik aja atas apa yang sedang kita jalani.
dan entah sampai kapan aku mampu buat terus jadi artis yang baik untuk mengcover semua cerita yang ga seharusnya ada ini..


setelah sebelumnya beberapa postingan indah yang udah aku pajang nan indah di blog ini, dengan sangat amat terpaksa aku HAPUS gara gara tugas bahasa inggris yang kononnya mesti di post di blog untuk kemudian dibaca sama dosen dan asisten bahasa inggrisnya. tapi ternyata sodara sodara, sepertinya itu hanya tipu daya belaka. huff..
padahal postingan sebelumnya udah full sama kisah hidup aku yang mulai antah berantah di ranah minang ini :(

dan *tengtereeeengg*, dengan bangga aku persembahkan kembali blog ini.
:D :D :D

aku janji bakal lebih sering share disini, karena aku ngerasa lebih bebas, lebih bernyawa, lebih berkuasa, lebih kuat disini hahahah *pahlawan bertopeng mode : on*
lagi lagi dan lagiiiii..
ada begitu banyak hal yang ga bisa cukup aku ceritain sama sahabat dan kakak kosan kesayanganku disini. dan akhirnya blog ini bakal jadi tempat sampah tercantik buat aku numpahin semua unek-unek yang aaarrggghh sering banget njelimet dan bikin sempit synaps diotak aku..

okok laah.
postingan ini bakal jadi mukaddimah bagi berkibarnya (lagi) blog aku.

Selasa, 19 Oktober 2010

Curriculum Vitae

 Private Data                                                                                    
Full Name                            : Muhaini
Sex                                      : Female
Place, Date of Birth              : Batam, May 8, 1992
Height, Weight                      : 158 cm, 49 kg
Religion                                : Islam
Address                               : Jl.M.Hatta No.3 PasarBaru, Padang
Email                                    : aynii_8592@yahoo.co.id

 Education
1997-1998               :   Ar-Rasyid ,Tanjungpinang
1998-2004               :   Teladan Elementary School No.4, Tanjungpinang
2004-2007               :   Junior High School No.4, Tanjungpinang
2007-2010               :   Senior High School No.1, Tanjungpinang

 Course
2002-2005              :   Diligent English Course, Tanjungpinang
2007-2008              :   Primagama Course, Tanjungpinang
2009-2010              :   Dssc Salman Bandung ,Tanjungpinang

 Organization Experience
2007-2008             :   PIK-KRR (Pusat InformasiKonseling-KesehatanReproduksiRemaja), as Secretary
2008-2009             :   PIK-KRR (Pusat InformasiKonseling-KesehatanReproduksiRemaja), as Sub-leader

 Achievement
2003                      :   Best Cerpenist in Tanjungpinang for Elementary student
2004                      :   Olimpiade Biologi
2008                      :   Best Speaker on Politic and Social Debate
2008                      :   Vocal Group as 2nd Winner

Minggu, 03 Oktober 2010

What happen if you smile to a stranger?
I always smile to others. Because I know with smiling people around us will feel comfort to be with us.
With smiling everything seems lovely, no one can deny that smile is a good habit.
I have tried to smile with  strangers. We can find strangers usually in public place like airport, market, hospital etc. And when I gave smile with them, there are many different responses from them.
Sometimes I got back the sweet smile as their response, but there are some people just gave plain face, like nothing happen before. In past I felt shame whenever I smile but there are no response, even I’ve said myself that I don’t want to smile with strangers or to people that I never know. I just felt like they are annoying my mood for rejecting my smile. But now, the way of my mind have changed. Now I never ever think about what kind of responses I’ll get when I smile to others.
But still one thing to be reminded is we have to give polite smile, escpecially for girls. Because being girls is must be more careful with smiling, it is for saving the girls from negative response from others.

Selasa, 21 September 2010

A. Definition
A carbon footprint is defined as:
The total amount of greenhouse gases produced to directly and indirectly support human activities, usually expressed in equivalent tons of carbon dioxide (CO2).
In other words: When you drive a car, the engine burns fuel which creates a certain amount of CO2, depending on its fuel consumption and the driving distance. (CO2 is the chemical symbol for carbon dioxide). When you heat your house with oil, gas or coal, then you also generate CO2. Even if you heat your house with electricity, the generation of the electrical power may also have emitted a certain amount of CO2. When you buy food and goods, the production of the food and goods also emitted some quantities of CO2.
B. Carbon Footprint Calculators
1. Transportation
Vehicle #1 (gasoline engine)
How much do you drive per month?
Average kilometers per liter
Vehicle #2 (gasoline engine)
How much do you drive per month?
Average kilometers per liter
Vehicle #3 (diesel engine)
How much do you drive per month?
Average kilometers per liter
How often do you use public transportation per month?

2. Housing
How many square meters is your home?
How many people live in your house?
How many kilowatt hours (kWh) of electricity do you use per month?
How many kilograms of natural gas do you use per month?
  Muhaini’s Carbon Footprint
1. Transportation
How often do you use public transportation per month?
2. Housing
How many square meters is your home?
How many people live in your house?
How many kilowatt hours (kWh) of electricity do you use per month?
How many kilograms of natural gas do you use per month?
Your total amount of tons of CO2 per year is:
Roughly equals to plant 0 trees & take care them so they can live for 20-30 years!
C. Carbon Footprint in general meaning
Carbon Footprint is a measure of the amount of carbon dioxide emitted through fossil fuels; it is usually expressed as tons of carbon dioxide or tons of carbon emitted on a yearly basis. Every body is becoming increasingly aware of the amount of natural sources that are consumed which is causing a dangerous impact on the environment and weather.
A carbon footprint is "the total set of greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions caused by an organization, event or product" [1]. For simplicity of reporting, it is often expressed in terms of the amount of carbon dioxide, or its equivalent of other GHGs, emitted.
The concept name of the carbon footprint originates from ecological footprint discussion.[2] The carbon footprint is a subset of the ecological footprint and of the more comprehensive Life Cycle Assessment (LCA).
An individual, nation, or organization's carbon footprint can be measured by undertaking a GHG emissions assessment. Once the size of a carbon footprint is known, a strategy can be devised to reduce it, e.g. by technological developments, better process and product management, changed Green Public or Private Procurement (GPP), Carbon capture, consumption strategies, and others.
The mitigation of carbon footprints through the development of alternative projects, such as solar or wind energy or reforestation, represents one way of reducing a carbon footprint and is often known as Carbon offsetting.
By discovering your company's carbon footprint, and implementing a carbon management programme your business can help make a difference.
  • Your company can save money by lowering operating costs and have a better management of resources
  • By completing the carbon footprint, it enables you to set targets and reduce emissions
  • Companies are increasingly looking at environmental factors in identifying the most suitable suppliers
  • Managers can motivate their staff and improve recruitment
  • Get involved with the Carbon disclosure project (CDP) and report on your companies greenhouse gas emissions
  • Meet the environmental demands of investors and bankers
  • Prepare your company to meet future regulations and legislation from packaging and transport, to buildings and energy consumption
  • Demonstrate your commitment to your local community to act responsibly and minimise environmental pollution.
D. How to reduce your Carbon Footprint
Gardening and Home
  1. Use vegetable-based and biodegradeable cleaning products
  2. Use recycled wood chips to keep the weeds down, retain moisture, and prevent erosion.
  3. Use natural predators to control unwanted growth rather than pesticides which harm the environment.
  4. Water grass early in the morning. See more on Water Conservation in Gardens
  5. Borrow seldomly used items such as ladders, chain saws, and people.
  6. Put leaves in a compost heap instead of burning them or throwing them away.
  7. Install water barrels to collect rain water from troughs. Place a small bucket in your sink to collect water when washing produce. Use this water in the garden.
      == Reduce---Reuse---Recycle plastic, paper, aluminum, glass
Office Work
  1. Reduce the need to copy and print. When you need to, copy and print on both sides of the paper
  2. Reuse items like envelopes, folders, and paper clips
  3. Set up a bulletin board for memos rather than sending copies to each employee
  4. Use recycled paper and recycle printer cartridges
  5. Use Soy based ink which is very environmentally friendly.
  6. Use more reusable water bottles rather than disposable cups.
  7. Turn off power strips and lights at the end of the day.
  8. Consider flexible work schedules or telecommuting.
  9. Switch from paper towels in restrooms to continuous cloth towels (aka cabinet towel dispensers)
  1. Consider using your bike, feet, or mass transportation for most transportation needs
  2. Consider purchasing a Hybrid vehicle, an Electric Motorbike or more efficient car..
  3. Purchase radial tires and keep them properly inflated
  4. Drive during non-peak hours If you avoid heavy traffic you will not spend a significant amount of gas during stops.
  5. The best way to warm up a modern car is to drive it. Idling hurts engines, wastes gas, and contributes to global warming and pollution.
  1. Increase your plant consumption. More land has to be put into agricultural production to produce meat than to produce plant products. Because the methane they belch is 23 times more effective at retaining heat than CO2, domestic animals contribute more to global warming than all human transportation combined.
  2. Buy local products. Buy goods that were produced locally rather than transported across long distances.
  3. Buy food at your local health food or natural food store. Most food in these stores is more expensive, but the bulk bins and bulk spices are often cheaper than grocery store equivalents and use less packaging. Bring your own reusable jars, bags or other containers.
  4. Be particular about the fish you eat. Many fish are over harvested or their capture has negative impacts on ocean ecosystems. In addition, some species of seafood pose health risks due to heavy metals and toxins that have built up in their systems. Choose seafood that is both sustainable and healthy.
  5. Vegetarian cookbooks  are a great place to begin exploring meat-free options such as textured vegetable protein. Some good choices for those new to meat-free eating include: Moosewood Restaurant Cooks at Home: Fast and Easy Recipes for Any Day by the Moosewood Collective, How to Cook Everything Vegetarian: Simple Meatless Recipes for Great Food by Mark Bittman, and The Enchanted Broccoli Forest by Mollie Katzen.
For Individuals
Here's a list of simple things you can do immediately
  • Turn it off when not in use (lights, television, DVD player, Hi Fi, computer etc.)
  • Turn down the central heating slightly (try just 1 to 2 degrees C)
  • Turn down the water heating setting (just 2 degrees will make a significant saving)
  • Check the central heating timer setting - remember there is no point heating the house after you have left for work
  • Fill your dish washer and washing machine with a full load - this will save you water, electricity, and washing powder
  • Fill the kettle with only as much water as you need
  • Do your weekly shopping in a single trip
  • Hang out the washing to dry rather than tumble drying it
  • Sign up to a green energy supplier, who will supply electricity from renewable sources (e.g. wind and hydroelectric power) - this will reduce your carbon footprint contribution from electricity to zero  

Travel less and travel more carbon footprint friendly.

  • Car share to work, or for the kids school run
  • Use the bus or a train rather than your car
  • For short journeys either walk or cycle
  • Try to reduce the number of flights you take
  • See if your employer will allow you to work from home one day a week
  • Next time you replace your car - check out diesel engines. With one of these you can even make your own Biodiesel fuel. Find out more about Biodiesel.
  • When staying in a hotel - turn the lights and air-conditioning off when you leave your hotel room, and ask for your room towels to be washed every other day, rather than every day
 As well as your primary carbon footprint, there is also a secondary footprint that you cause through your buying habits.
  • Don't buy bottled water if your tap water is safe to drink
  • Buy local fruit and vegetables, or even try growing your own
  • Buy foods that are in season locally
  • Don't buy fresh fruit and vegetables which are out of season, they may have been flown in
  • Reduce your consumption of meat
  • Try to only buy products made close to home (look out and avoid items that are made in the distant lands)
  • Buy organic produce
  • Don't buy over packaged products
  • Think carefully about the type of activities you do in your spare time. Do any of these cause an increase in carbon emissions? e.g. Saunas, Health clubs, restaurants and pubs, etc.  

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