Minggu, 14 Desember 2014

I am WORKING girl!

Pardon for my deactived account for these months, I just nggg.. forgot my password and email as well. My bad~

I would like to inform you guys, I am WORKING!! HAHA!
Yes, that's sounds good I think, I am working, I am not a jobless anymore.
I have been working as an English for Business Trainer since 13th October.
First, it seems very hard to me, because you know I have to teach English for Business and I need to make a big deal with all the staff at that company. Start from manager, marketing, receptionist etc.
In this job, its like I teach them how to speak the really polite English for business, make their pronunciation sounds well, make them confident to speak English, and you know adult students are not really easy to be handled -_-

I got two projects right now, Prodia Laboratory and Swiber Offshore Company.
The second one is really take my efforts to the end!
Mostly already good in English and for some reasons I got frustated how to teach the advanced level. But thanks God, I can through every kinds of that person easily. Alhamdulillah..

By this job, my conclusion are :
1. Finding a job is not that difficult.
First thing to do is, never give up to apply as much as you can. the more the better. Second, do not be a person that just want to seek a job only based on their academic status, come on guys, world is really big, bigger than what you've thought. Just applying! Last but not least, keep praying, Allah knows the best!

2. People is dangerous.
Some looks great, but they're nice. Some looks nerd, but they're tricky. Some looks bad, but they're really nice. But the most important thing is, just be kind for every types of people. What you are doing, makes you.

3. Share your money with your parents and don't forget to "bersedekah".
Believe that the more you give, the more you'll get. Just believe, it happened to me!

So guys,
I miss all of you to the moon and back.
Writing is really...awesome! :)

the working girl, haha

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